Episode 7: Featuring Chuck Koskovich

Anne Bibb 0:11 Welcome back to Unexpected Journey. Today we are here with Chuck Koskovich. I know that I’m probably going to say that wrong 500 times, but he’ll correct me. You are the CEO at T tech engage. You’ll also tell me what that’s all about in a little while. Chuck is an experienced […]
Episode 6: Featuring Zanele Njapha, “The UNLearning Lady”

Anne Bibb 0:17 Welcome back to unexpected journey. Today. Today we have, well, we have a couple of guests. For the very first time at think on unexpected journey, we have Bailey, Bailey. And we have Corey, she’s back here somewhere. We had a little glitch in the Matrix today, and the dogs joined the […]
Episode 5: Featuring Wiktor Doktór

Anne B 0:12 Welcome back to unexpected journey. Today we have Victor Doctor Who is the ce o, a pro Progressio, an organization focused on support of the outsourcing and modern business services industry. Welcome, Victor. Wiktor 0:28 Hi, Anne. It’s nice to be here. Anne B 0:30 I am so excited to talk to […]
Episode 4: Featuring John Riordan, “The Godfather of Remote”

Anne B 0:15 Welcome to unexpected journey and this week we have John Reardon. John is the chairman of grow remote he is based out of Cork, Ireland. He’s recently retired as the director of support for Shopify, and has served as the chairman of Shopify International. Now, John has spent a lot of his […]
Episode 3: Featuring Liz Tsai

Anne Bibb Welcome back to unexpected journey. This week we have Liz with Hi operator, Liz went to MIT at the age of fifth teen where she built robots and 3d printers. And after completing her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and materials of science at MIT, she went back and got her Ms. […]
Episode 2: Featuring Jennie Blumenthal

Each week, Unexpected Journey invites a top professional to share work wisdom and life lessons about their career and what they have learned about human experience in the workplace. This week we are joined by Jennie Blumenthal, CEO Of Corporate Rehab and Author of “Corporate Rehab: Ditch the Hustle Culture and Thrive Again”. […]
Ep. 1: Featuring Courtney Brown Warren

Each week, Unexpected Journey invites a top professional to share work wisdom and life lessons about their career and what they have learned about human experience in the workplace. This week we are joined by Courtney Brown Warren, most recently Global Head of Brand Management and Strategy at Twitter. In this […]