Overcoming Biases To Create Your Own Niche

Ly Tran 0:00 Finding a point of personal connection to consumers. So brands always come to us and, you know, they they know themselves inside out, but they don’t really know their consumers. So we really like to let a collective you’re gonna hear some pawns but really put ourselves in our potential audience’s shoes […]

Customer Experience, Q1 in Review

Anne Bibb 0:09 Welcome, everybody to a very special episode of Unexpected Journey. We are doing a panel today and our panel discussion is going to be on customer experience in review, for the first quarter of 2023. Now you all know me as the host of Unexpected Journey and the CEO of Remote Evolution. […]

How To Rock Remote Work & Network Like a Boss

Hailley Griffis 0:00 for five, six years ago, it was always communication and collaboration, communication and collaboration. It’s a problem for us. And it’s interesting because over the last two years, communication collaboration hasn’t been in the top spots for biggest struggles anymore. Anne Bibb 0:16 Welcome to unexpected journey, the show where each week […]

*You CAN* Start From Scratch!

Os Benari 0:00 I’m on a mission to teach people to start from scratch. And also have organizations adopt what starting from scratch talks about which is a learning mindset, and creating, you know, learning groups and clubs within the organization. Anne Bibb 0:16 Welcome to unexpected journey, the show where each week top professionals […]

Episode 4: Featuring John Riordan, “The Godfather of Remote”

Anne B 0:15 Welcome to unexpected journey and this week we have John Reardon. John is the chairman of grow remote he is based out of Cork, Ireland. He’s recently retired as the director of support for Shopify, and has served as the chairman of Shopify International. Now, John has spent a lot of his […]